
Member Since: 7/18/2002
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 15

Travis1234's Mixes

Travis1234's Favorite Mixes

Travis1234's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
This mix was made for a trip, I didnt feel like bringing all my waits on the road so I took a few from each. Over all it came out pretty good
CD | Mixed Genre
Most of my mixes take hours to make a mix but as the name says it is a haphazard mix that was done in about 8 minutes (with burn time)
CD | Pop
As the title suggested this is an alt version of Right to be Loud. When ever I make a mix for someone and someone else likes it too i never make the same mix twice (if i can get away with it) hence the …
CD | Pop
This was suppose to be a free form mix but no it wouldnt let me. So now we have a rock out mix with a few disjointed songs that seem to syncopate things quite nicely.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I Cheated this is realy a 2 disc mix but i wanted to use sides. I made it for a particular someone that seem to go over well but then again i just gave it to her all in due time, Mixes the sound track  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This Mix was a gift, as the title suggest it was intro ducing the reciver to things she haddnt heard along with stuff like sublime that she knew, it went over well.