
Member Since: 1/14/2006
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 0

I'm a designer who cares too much about pop music and foisting my mix CD creations off on friends.

ielerol's Mixes

ielerol's Favorite Mixes

ielerol's Mixes

CD | Theme
my most "concept mix" to date. The songs are about a relationship that turns into stalking, alternating songs about the stalker and the response of the stalked. Some of the songs are a bit of a stretch …
CD | Theme
these are not songs about good girls. but they're not necessarily songs about bad girls either. they're about girls who don't like the options they've been offered.
CD | Theme
Songs about sex, seduction and desire. And songs that are just plain sexy. This playlist never fails to cheer me up, and I don't even like sex.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix made for a good friend of mine. She loves folk music and doesn't much experience with other stuff , so I put in a lot of folk/folk-influenced songs, and tried to gently introduce her to some othe …
CD | Mixed Genre
Not a strict theme, more of a mood. Songs about boundaries, changes, questions and ambiguities. Plus some other stuff I felt like throwing in.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is a song I made to listen to in the airport while I fly back to college. It was basically just what I felt like listening to at the moment, with no theme except perhaps something underlying and s …
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