
Member Since: 12/26/1999
Total Mixes: 194
Total Feedback: 258

noiseboy's Mixes

noiseboy's Favorite Mixes

noiseboy's Mixes

CD | Theme
Just a bunch of funny songs referring to, or blatantly about sex. . .
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A total stream of consciousness mix for one of my good friends before moving away.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Summertime 1996. . . Tiny upstate country town. . . Friends with beer on the front porch. . . Waiting for the lights of the gas station to turn off. . . Laughing away another hard day. . . Some of the  …
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
Originally, I only wanted songs that contained the word "velvet," but that was a wash-out. The tape is one of my favorites, though, and one of my great successes.
Cassette | Theme
My sister asked me to make a tape of all the music I was listening to at the time. I decided to make her one continuous mix of music to dance and chill to.
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