
Member Since: 8/14/2002
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 218

paintbrushes1's Mixes

paintbrushes1's Favorite Mixes

paintbrushes1's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Romantic
i planned to give this mix to my good friend kate on new years eve, as a thank you for her amazing friendship and to tell her she was the best thing that happened to me in 2002, but i didn't make it in …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
my beautiful friend kate gave this mix to me. most of the songs are from my favourite bands, or are some of my favourite songs. and then there's some bands/people i haven't heard/heard of before, but t …
Cassette | Theme - Depression
There should be a category for 'hopeless romantic'. I could have filed this under 'romantic' or 'break up', but I went for 'depression' cause i feel depressed at the moment. I made this a few nights ag …
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
a mix for a trade with my lovely friend, lou. i haven't known her for all that long, but she's become a close friend real quick. she wanted a copy of the gyroscope. live set from JJJ's oz music show, s …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix for my friend maddie . it's taken me about a month to finally finish it off. i found it so damn hard cause i didn't know a whole lot about her music taste, and when it came  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I haven't actually made this one yet, it's for a trade on a forum. I don't know the person that well, but i'll do my best to make sure the tape is as enjoyable as I'd find it. I think he's pretty open  …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
A mix for a new friend, Kate. I met her just over a month ago, through my best friend. Although they had never met face to face until I introduced them to eachother afterwards. It's a long story though …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another CD full of MP3's from my computer. The Supremes were probably the first group I liked as a kid apart from the stuff my parents would play. They're too cute.
CD | Mixed Genre
These were all mp3's on my computer. I worked out how to burn them straight to disc last night :D Some i'm going to use on my next mix, some are just songs I really like, some are just a song by a band …
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