
Member Since: 3/4/2006
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 23

enjoyyrworries's Mixes

enjoyyrworries's Favorite Mixes

enjoyyrworries's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
This mix was given to me by the afore-mentioned friend that went to die alone in the heat of Arizona. I don't think I'll ever know who made it, and that's a shame, because this is by far the best mix I …
CD | Single Artist
Before Etiquette was released*, I decided to make a "Best of Casiotone for the Painfully Alone" mix. So I did. No special order here, except chronological (with the exception of "Young Shields" being t …
CD | Theme
I made this mix for a dance party my friend had a few months back. Before you start to worry, no, this wasn't the only mix present at the party. There were about six of us that were each assigned one a …

enjoyyrworries's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Theme
Oh. My. God.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
*Cat call.* Damn, girl.

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