
Member Since: 8/16/2002
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 10

Pauliver's Mixes

Pauliver's Favorite Mixes

Pauliver's Mixes

CD | Theme
About the experience of homecoming to it's ideal soundtrack. From pulling out of garage, through the dance, to the contemplative mood afterwards. Title comes from the end line of the comedy home movie  …
CD | Mixed Genre
A little something I threw together for tomorrow morning.
CD | Mixed Genre
Quick mix to play in the quad at lunch tomorrow. Yes, I know everyone and their grandma uses Where Is My Mind for everything imaginable. I don't care. Also, I'd be grateful if someone would throw me so …
CD | Mixed Genre
My own personal soundtrack so far of this play my school is putting on. It's very experimental, short scenes about patients with neurological disorders in a hospital. What we're currently using is a lo …
CD | Mixed Genre
If someone walks up to me and asks what kind of music I listen to, I will pull this CD out of my pocket and throw it at them. If the edge doesn't hit their eye and force them into surgery, they can go  …
CD | Theme
A mix of anti lovesongs.
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