
Member Since: 8/20/2002
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 2

Anu3bis's Mixes

Anu3bis's Favorite Mixes

Anu3bis's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
Soundtrack for the 2020 Science Fiction Movie Marathon. MIRACLE MILE. FIEND WITHOUT A FACE. SPACEBALLS. MYSTERIOUS ISLAND w/Harryhausen's Daughter Vanessa In Person! 1920's DR. JEYKLL & MR. HYDE w/Jeff …
MP3 Playlist | Other Mix
Soundtrack for the 2019 Science Fiction Movie Marathon. Movie order: INNERSPACE! DR. CYCLOPS! 1975's ROLLERBALL. WOMAN IN THE MOON w/live Jeff Rapsis musical score! STAR TREK VI in 70mm! ANNIHILATION!  …
MP3 Playlist | Alternative - Indie Rock
Interstitial music for the 2016 Boston Science Fiction Film Marathon, listed by the films they are for.
Playlist | Theme
Simple enough - every song features "na na na" as lyrics. I'm hoping to do a "doo doo doo" or "la la la" mix next.
Playlist | Theme
I'd put more on it, but only three songs fit on the CD.
Playlist | Theme
Story songs - Insane royalty murders her military, a songwriter narrowly escapes the devil, a gunslinger cuts a swath across the west, the devil's back again to lose to a young fiddler, a couple makes  …
Playlist | Theme
List songs ranging from historical events, dead people, ways of predicting the future, diseases, cheeses, video game assailants, famous superhero monkeys, hardware, food additives, nations, elements, U …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
The Real Fecking Morbid Mix, subtitled "Music to be Sued By". 5 years after tapping the van ahead of me in stop and go traffic, I get hauled to court for the guy who's blaming me for his carpal tunnel  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just got home from a Science Fiction Convention (LunaCon, for the fen out there), I'd been up all weekend, and whaddya know, I just don't want to sleep. My computer had a bunch of soundbytes for error  …
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