christine the strawberry girl

Member Since: 3/18/2006
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 37

I have this love hate relationship with Pitchfork
Illinois Driver - one of my favorite bands

christine the strawberry girl's Mixes

christine the strawberry girl's Favorite Mixes

christine the strawberry girl's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
When I started to make this mix and realized I couldn't pick and choose out of the many bands I wanted to put on here. So I decided to make two discs one with a different friend in mind. This one is th …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I woke up and missed the usual train I take to work, so instead I made a mix and took the later train. *Some of the song titles and band names may be off a little, because I just burned the CD and then …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for my boyfriend about a month after we got together. And if you call me cheesy i'll kick your fucking ass! ;)
CD | Alternative - Punk
I made this for a friend who doesn't really know anything about punk so I tried to stick to the popular songs by each band.
CD | Mixed Genre
This was pretty much my "El" staple for a few months. I think I'll have to make a new one soon since I don't really ride the brown Line anymore.
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for my friend who (obviously from the title) just ended a relationship. This is actually just one of a "box set" I made her.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
After many revisions, this is my 2006 dance music (well... so far, hehe)
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this for my friend Carley and at the same time she was making me a similar one... great minds think alike.
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