
Member Since: 8/25/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 7

The Best Rock to come out of NH since Granite

McMonster's Mixes

McMonster's Favorite Mixes

McMonster's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Single Artist
This mix was really difficult for me to make. I'm a huge Hum fan, and to have to cut down the number of tracks so that it would fit on to one CD was hard. Anyway, I did it, and I made the cover art usi …
Cassette | Theme
I made this tape for my friend Airen. I asked her to give me a theme for each side and she said "Hope and Canada" so that's what I made. Her boyfriend is in Canada and she isn't so that's why there are …
Cassette | Theme
When my friend Dan decided to be a jackas and move to California, he and I vowed that we would send each other mix tapes constantly. Well, since we both love high Fidelity, we decided the best thing to …

McMonster's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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