
Member Since: 9/13/2002
Total Mixes: 44
Total Feedback: 277

goovie's Mixes

goovie's Favorite Mixes

goovie's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
The first tape I made for my boyfriend, lo these many (ok, 2 1/2) years ago. "Introduction" was the theme to my college radio show, DVN's cover of "Shoehorn" was a must-have for a Fruhead (as was the T …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
It's my boyfriend's birthday today. This is part of his present. :)
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The companion tape to "strawberry apricot pie"; helping me stay sane during my college choir's 2000 trip to Ireland.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another mix designed to help me thru a college choir tour...this one kept me amused during the plane rides to and from Ireland.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
When I was visiting my parents this weekend, I found a bunch of track listings from various old mix tapes. This one helped me survive a college choir tour thru New York, New Jersey, and Nowhereseville, …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The obligatory fall mix. Enjoy.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this mix in an attempt to get out of my own head. The first side is made up of track 4s, and the second side is made up of track 2s, all from CDs selected at random from my collection. Sometimes …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This tape is on its way to the lovely Laura Koenig..."A Song" cuts off at the end, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with it.
Cassette | Theme
Self-explanatory and extremely obvious. Not all of it fits the theme explicitly, and I should've included way more. Made right before and right after I lost my latest job, so maybe that says something.
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