
Member Since: 9/14/2002
Total Mixes: 50
Total Feedback: 113

Katy123's Mixes

Katy123's Favorite Mixes

Katy123's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Following in my best friend's footsteps, I've started making an annual mix for my friends as a small Xmas gift. Here's 2007's version- a taste of the music I was really, really digging last year.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Title from the Sullivan track.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a buddy all the way across the country. I intentionally didn't put her favorite bands on there (which happen to be some of my favorite bands) because what would be the point in THAT? It may be …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I've felt more alive in the past two weeks than I ever have before, and I need to get the hell out of here. Title from the Punchline and Merciana tracks.
CD | Mixed Genre
Road trips = best type of summer fun. I made this mix for my best friend for our most recent road trip. Basically just lots of songs from bands she NEEDED to hear, and new songs from bands she already  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just another monthly driving mix for me. Title from the Set It Straight track.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made mid-March for a mixtape trade, this is also a typical driving mix for me. And boy, was I an angry girl. :) Title from the One Up track.
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this a few weeks ago for my little brother for his 10th birthday. Another mix like last year's, based on what I heard him singing along with all the time from the old mix. He got really into the …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just another driving mix. I rear-ended someone a few weeks ago, and though no one was hurt, nor was either car dented, my last tape got demolished. And it was an awesome tape. ::sigh:: Oh well.
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