
Member Since: 10/15/2002
Total Mixes: 66
Total Feedback: 448

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krautfreak's Mixes

krautfreak's Favorite Mixes

krautfreak's Mixes

CD | Blues - Classic Blues
sweet badasssss soul of the seventies.
CD | Mixed Genre
what better way to deal with the one-two punch of a blizzard and a heightened terror alert than to stay inside and make a mix? abrasive in parts, soothing in others, uncommonly dark throughout.
CD | Mixed Genre
overpowered by funk
CD | Pop
sexed up/glammed out punk-pop touchstones, drawn from the canon of Perfect Songs. found this while puttering about in "le studio" today... made it years ago as an idiosyncratic sampler for non-music-fr …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is for an old high school friend who requested a mix a few months ago. thought i'd take the opportunity of a snow day home from work to make it. "birds'd crash" is probably my favorite roky tune;  …
CD | Mixed Genre
a weird selection, but it flows pretty well -- kind of sinister in tone. i made it to break in a new turntable. the title is from the kim fowley track.
CD | Mixed Genre
psychedelic headtrip for valis. hope he digs it one-tenth as much as i dug his "echoe of an ancient head" and "zuvuya."
CD | Mixed Genre
i've decided to give my "babyboomer boombox" mix to my mom for christmas, and this one to my dad. two sides of the same big fat mainstream coin, really, although this one tends toward crunchier classic …
CD | Mixed Genre
a companion to my mix "treble in paradise" -- same kinda feel. i have many of these songs on tape, so this was an excuse to put 'em on cd.
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