sly monkey1

Member Since: 10/27/2002
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 6

sly monkey1's Mixes

sly monkey1's Favorite Mixes

sly monkey1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is for a friend who's visiting from England for the Holidays. I tried to throw in a bunh of stuff I've been listening to lately, but somehow a bunch of '80s tracks I haven't listened to snuck in.  …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
The first side is probably the heaviest and loudest I've ever done on a mixed tape (other than the all Merzbow side of a much earlier tape...). Of the Christmas tapes I've made so far this year, this o …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
A massive hodge-podge of sounds I quickly through together. It works surprisingly well (especially Shizuo to Belle & Sebastian), but could be much better if I had more time to tinker...
Cassette | Single Artist
For friends who had heard of Belle & Sebastian but has never heard Belle & Sebastian. This is to rectify that horrible injustice.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Tape for friend who's lying around ill without much to do but listen to music. Unfortunately, I don't think this tape has any curative powers...
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
The title comes from the fact I foolishly hand drew the cover rather than using cut outs or the computer. My artwork is horrendously bad, has been since grade school (although in like grade 2, it was a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I think I'm missing a song on the second side. No matter. Just a tape I made for a friend, kept in my car for too long, decided I didn't like it anymore (more from over playing than anything)and then r …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made this earlier today after finding out that one of my friends had resorted to stealing my mixed tapes from others because I had neglected to make one specifically for her. Somewhat flattering, I gue …
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