W. Josh Bentley

Member Since: 10/27/2002
Total Mixes: 56
Total Feedback: 2

W. Josh Bentley's Mixes

W. Josh Bentley's Favorite Mixes

W. Josh Bentley's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, February 2004: work work, tattoo work, computer work...
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, January 2004: New year, new job, new state of not-entirely-panicked mind.
CD | Mixed Genre
My own little slice of the best of the past year. I didn't realize how much great stuff came out this year until I tried to condense it down to twenty songs, and had to leave off Loose Fur, White Strip …
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, November 2003: Nothing happens, in theory at least. Still waiting for the year to be over.
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, October 2003: still (mostly) jobless and bored senseless by it. A little football, a little fishing, a lot of reading. Surprisingly hit hard by Elliott Smith's death - it's a little weird  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, September 2003. The month that started with a great vacation and the thought that maybe all the bad stuff was over and ended with getting laid off from work and being told I'm losing my me …
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, August 2003. No one I know dies or contracts a disease of some sort! Nothing costs me hundreds of dollars that I don't have! Nothing happens! Finally...
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio diary, July 2003: an expected funeral, an expected but expensive diagnosis, and a wholly unexpected threatening phone call. 2003 is not my year. On the bright side, an AOTMer makes my day.
CD | Mixed Genre
Audio Diary, June 2003 - death beds, seizure disorders, medical malpractice - when it rains, it pours...
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