Dan The Jock

Member Since: 11/9/2002
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 25

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Dan The Jock's Mixes

Dan The Jock's Favorite Mixes

Dan The Jock's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my girlfriend's sister. I am on a crusade to get her into some decent music. It will probably fail miserably.
CD | Mixed Genre
The sequel to This Bitch Could Sink the Sun. This one is a little more eclectic. The transitions are a little odd but the whole thing is pretty cohesive.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my friend Dan. This mix is seperated into 4 sections: Metal/hardcore, Screamo, Punk, and power-pop-esque stuff. "Minuet" the beginning of "Seperation of Church and Skate" and "Good Deeds" act …
CD | Mixed Genre
An introspective mix of songs I have had on repeat at different times in my life. Some of it is a little incohesive.
CD | Theme - Romantic
For my girlfriend. I love Neil Sedaka and this is my first use of his work.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
A mix to go along with my my performance review for my intro to american music class. I don't want my professor to be totally lost so this is for his reference. It covers the 4 bands I saw (WWB, AWS, C …
CD | Mixed Genre
An audio attempt to explain to my girlfriend why I'm so fucked up. The first half is a portrait of the person I was before I met her: depressed, angry, jaded, drunk etc. The second half is how I feel n …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my girlfriend who insists that listening to the radio won't hurt me.
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