james porter

Member Since: 11/10/2002
Total Mixes: 44
Total Feedback: 513

james porter's Mixes

james porter's Favorite Mixes

james porter's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
a tape for Paul, which i completed on Saturday and gave to him on Sunday - a timeframe small enough to allow me to still think positively about it; i think it's hot - hiphop gnarl and sacchrine pop wei …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
radiophonic workshop sounds, ambient dubishness, abstracted acoustic spanks, a semijazzkindafolk scifi ballad, stoned makeout soul loveliness, willfully retroactive guitar workouts and scatalogical bon …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the tape i made for Dan got lost in the post!! This is of course karma for my gimmick and amusing yet inadequate packaging... sigh. Any way i think this tape is maybe's better. certainly colder i guess …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a tape for Codling featuring much tasty and dancable noise. The Erase Errata/Eric B + Rakim and Distorted Minds/Frank Chickens segways sound top if you ask me. Thanks to Myke for Odd Nosdam, King Geedo …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A slightly unbalanced tape for Allie featuring an unlisted and perhaps overbearing preponderance of Shangri-La's promotional noise. i hope she likes it - or has even received it...
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a tape of fine pop music for Jan, in exchange for his hospitality on what will be for me the 'first' day of spring this year, i hope this tape is of reasonable comparitive value. if you see what i mean …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is for Alex for her birthday, which is yet to occur at the time of typing, so i guess it could be said i'm taking an unnesecery and surprise spoiling risk... thanks to mike for 'Golden Streams' an …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this recently for my friend Paul to play in his car. He said he liked it. Problem Solved. The actual tape features Will Geer reading a statement by Woody Guthrie for about a minute at the very s …
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