
Member Since: 10/27/2006
Total Mixes: 26
Total Feedback: 25

jessesamuel's Mixes

jessesamuel's Favorite Mixes

jessesamuel's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Disc two, as promised. I think Mick Jones was the most talented member of the Clash, and BAD is the principal evidence. Another interesting mix would be, the best of other projects from members of the  …
CD | Single Artist
After seeing Pop Kulcher's "That Was Big Audio Dynamite" mix I thought I'd upload a very similar 2-disc set I creed in late 2007. I'm presenting it here because Pop Kulcher's mix isn't downloadable …
CD | Single Artist
The site is not allowing me to use the word "nd," so "Girlfrie" has become "Girlfren" for now. To download the entire mix, click on the "Girlfren" hotlink. And then let me know what you think!
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
It's always difficult to balance one's own taste in music with what you think will get people out onto the dance floor. What I Like About You works every time. The leadoff track is "our song." Other hi …
CD | Mixed Genre
Pretty self-explanatory, really. This CD followed the prelude/dinner CD while dinner was served at the reception. The first song was a subtle anti-Iraq-war message.
CD | Theme
This is the CD that played after the ceremony as people gathered in the reception hall and began eating. The Jim Croce song wasn't from my collection; it was a concession to a family member. Volumes II …
CD | Single Artist
There are 10 million Ferry/Roxy Music compilations, but I think Ferry deserves his own. This is an introduction to his solo work, and it's one of my favorite Minimum mixes.
Cassette | Single Artist
This is actually 2 CDs. It took me a long time to appreciate Pulp because I heard the Hardcore album first. When I finally got around to listening to the rest of the catalog I knew I had found a great  …
CD | Single Artist