
Member Since: 12/14/2002
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 7

Lara's Mixes

Lara's Favorite Mixes

Lara's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is what happens when you try to capture a specific moment - you might achieve the goal, but the songs don't always stand the test of time. I made this after the night that Chris, Becky, Shawn, …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is the very first mixed CD I ever made, in the spring of 2000. Ahhh for the love of Napster! The cover features two Blythe dolls playing with a Ouija board. I sent a copy to my Chris at his office …
CD | Mixed Genre
The cover to this mix featured my first attempt at messing with Photoshop - it was a cut-out tiger set against a black-and-white backdrop of an atomic bomb. (Yeah, I'm into puns.)
CD | Mixed Genre
Another mix made for Christopher - maybe the third? There's a bit of a melancholy feel to it, because I put it together during a tumultuous time in both our lives. (7/00)
CD | Theme
I made this mix for my friend Andrew, right before he moved to London. The decision to relocate to England was hard for him; he transferred through J.P. Morgan, but his heart wasn't in finance, because …
CD | Mixed Genre
For the longest time, this was one of Christopher's favorite mixes. The cover features a funky black-and-white picture of the boy who played Wesley on "Mr. Belvedere" (for some reason, Chris identifies …
CD | Theme
I started this with the intention of creating an "up" mix - something to perk up those ick days. But then some not-so-up songs snuck in. Oh well.
CD | Mixed Genre
I wanted to make a mix of songs that made me feel itchy under my skin, like I was going to explode from something. The cover had a tinkered-with image of Angela and Jordan from "My So-Called Life" and  …
CD | Theme
I made this mix with Christopher in mind, but ended up sending it to a few different people. The John Mayer song - the acoustic version, not the studio version, which sucks in comparison - is what insp …
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