
Member Since: 12/29/2002
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 8

Nyx's Mixes

Nyx's Favorite Mixes

Nyx's Last Three Mixes Posted

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
didn't put much thought into this to be honest. this is my selection out of the masses of (verboten) music being shared on my class systems. i'm studying my ass off on irelands hottest day and loudloud …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
This may look like narcissism of the highest order, but i promise theres an explanation =) April isn't a very common name in Ireland, and I've never been able to find stuff with my name on it. ie. keyr …
CD | Theme
Last week I visited Killarney, the town I worked in last summer. (for those foreign types, its in Co. Kerry and one of the most beautiful places in Ireland.) Anyway, I was staying with my mates and dur …

Nyx's Last Three Favorite Mixes

Cassette | Theme
mmm spacey

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