
Member Since: 1/7/2003
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 14

Red Snowman Official Website http://www.redsnowman.net
Joel Vitch (Rather Good) http://www.rathergood.com

Jamesy's Mixes

Jamesy's Favorite Mixes

Jamesy's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Dedicated to Sam Hill. Thanks for 17/8/02, what a party. Looking back this mix is pretty awful, but has the crowd pleasers and quite frankly I can't be arsed making really anal indie mixes most of the  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made last summer. Pretty commercial but inoffensive hence perfect for parties or driving to parties. Does anyone remember Snug around here? Thought not. Title is a piss take of the Mogwai track "Summer …
CD | Mixed Genre
Made last week with the intention of giving it to a girl. Decided against it as I like it a bit too much. Title comes from a phrase I over-use daily, much to the annoyance of others.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made at Christmas. It's for when you feel full of food though your head is empty.
CD | Mixed Genre
Things are always confusing me. This mix does n't though. It just goes with the flow.
CD | Alternative - Punk
Another old(ish) mix. My favourites from the above genres. Though the title is a complaint against music magazines that pigeon-hole bands into genres. Who really cares if a band is emo or not? Good tun …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is an old mix I still listen to alot. I made it just before I came to uni last year. It's a bunch of songs that just really effect me if you know what I mean. Don't really have any idea why. I lis …
Cassette | Theme
Thought I might as well add my entry. Its a bit wierd but I may make an abridged tape for the fun of it to see what it's like. Enjoy...
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for a winter sunny day where it's bloody cold like today in bonnie Scotland. Upcoming exams forgotten when these songs come on. Perhaps a bit all over the place in style but it does it for me i s …
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