Knee High Danielle

Member Since: 1/16/2003
Total Mixes: 33
Total Feedback: 44

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Knee High Danielle's Mixes

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Knee High Danielle's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
A bitter tape never finished and better that way, march 02
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Zinester girly Jaye Early Winter 2001 She likes novelty songs but i forget until the end, just one. You can see the rut i was in from may-july. Similar items on most tapes. <3.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
May 20 For Valerie. Just things i'd supposed she would like.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Danny Tyler Kyle and David on their tour. The first side is all that matters, otherwise cute pop songs and a song for each of the, Bright eyes for david blood brothers for danny Ashland's road for  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A Mixtape for My Penpal Amanda. Just an intro hodge-podge piece. I kind of started on the rock side of things and fell swiftly into a very poppy tape. It's jsut stuff she said she liked and stuff i'd h …
Cassette | Theme
Winter/new year tape 2003.
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