
Member Since: 7/20/2007
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 6

SoulPhox's Mixes

SoulPhox's Favorite Mixes

SoulPhox's Last Three Mixes Posted

MP3 Playlist | Theme
A continuation of my first SN, DS list. This one was different songs, and an attempt to intentionally choose less downer titles, which happened last time by accident (I hope...). At this point, nothing …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
One track from each of the CDs that I've bought from bargain-barrel bins, organized in rough order of which album I liked the most. Very rough order. Mostly, I'm amazed that I could remember which ones …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
My "Same Name, Different Song" playlist contained songs such as "Buried Alive," "Go To Hell," "Nightmare," "Sin," "Trash," et cetera, prompting one member to ask "Where are Love, Kisses and Sunshine?"  …

SoulPhox's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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