MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
An ode to my 26th year, which ended last week. I don't paint myself in the best light, but I have to admit that the late 20s are providing me with some contentment with my many faults. And I think the …
MP3 Playlist
Theme - Narrative
When you have a possibly life changing decision (or two) sitting in front of you, you start feeling like either way you're going to lose. A part of me just wants the choices to disappear and a part of …
MP3 Playlist
Theme - Romantic
The moment when you are able to take a deep breath to relax yourself... let it all out, take it all in... frown to smile... murkiness to clarity... having words on your lips and knowing that speaking t …
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Some (relatively) quiet things to listen to and reflect on during my day off. It kind of has the feel of a break-up mix/missing you thing.. probably cos I've been thinking a lot about being on my own a …
MP3 Playlist
Theme - Romantic
My Dog, John Cusack, Chocolate and Anything Else I Can Think Of... A Really Mushy Mix so I might finally get the courage to tell him how I really feel (cos its more than "I Really Like You").... And pl …
MP3 Playlist
Some of my secrets, songs about secrets and exactly "who are you?".
MP3 Playlist
Theme - Narrative
This past of year seemed like it wanted to get nominated for "worst year for me ever" personally. I had left my abusive ex and moved back into my old life. Or what I thought was my old life. I had been …
Theme - Alternating DJ
Because things get complicated... between the moves to and fro, the ex you knew about and the one you did not... and the fact that I'm half way out the door... make that all the way... Picture courtesy …
Theme - Alternating DJ
A mix for my trip home for Easter... lots of stuff about going home and my feelings about the small town where I grew up. As you can see, they are rather mixed... Hoppy Easter :P