
Member Since: 2/10/2000
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 6

Keeping this around for archival purposes.

RubyKay's Mixes

RubyKay's Favorite Mixes

RubyKay's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This mix was created for my mom on her 56th birthday.
CD | Theme - Romantic
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for a CD mix exchange with a group of friends. The theme is that these are artists who my husband either introduced me to or turned me on to, or artists that are particularly special or …
CD | Mixed Genre
Thanks to James for the Dum Dums song!
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
The latest addition to my 80s songs mix series. Many more to come...
CD | Theme
Some dear friends were not able to go on their planned March vacation to Florida because the father/husband was diagnosed with cancer. So we decided to bring sunshine and summer to them!
CD | Theme - Romantic
Admit it: If you haven't made a mix like this, you've at least thought about it. This one was being composed mentally for a long time before it actually made it to CD. Now I just need someone to get it …
CD | Mixed Genre
Whenever I look through the pre-packaged 80s compilation discs in music stores, I can never find exactly the mix that I'm looking for, so I finally decided to make my own. I LOVED the 8th, 9th and 10th …
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