
Member Since: 2/9/2003
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 7

Phoebe's Mixes

Phoebe's Favorite Mixes

Phoebe's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Sleep
I want everything to be like the lights of the window along my dark street when I was very young; everything feels special when I'm with Him (dark trees cutting watercolor sunsets, the green of his eye …
CD | Theme
The first mix I ever made on CD, circa 10th grade. Supermarket themed, as a valentine's day gift to my coworkers (I was a cashier)
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
(Cowgirl Christmas Music for a Real Cool Mama) Gift Mix for my mom, who loves to rock.

Phoebe's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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