
Member Since: 11/21/2007
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 10

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freddieismyqueen's Mixes

freddieismyqueen's Favorite Mixes

freddieismyqueen's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Theme
Side 1: To Someone Who Deserves It Side 2: From Someone Who Doesn't Side 1 is songs for someone who deserves to be happy and have such a mix made for her. Side 2 is songs from someone who doesn't deser …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mix I made last night. Its relevance lies in the past 31 days or so, and is expected to go on a bit longer than that. At least I'll have this mix to keep me company during that time.
Playlist | Mixed Genre
This is basically 30 days worth of mix. It sums up my entire May 2010 nicely, and I'm expecting June 2010 to follow the same confusing trend.

freddieismyqueen's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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