
Member Since: 11/21/2007
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 10

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freddieismyqueen's Mixes

freddieismyqueen's Favorite Mixes

freddieismyqueen's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This is a theme mix I made to exchange with my girlfriend. The band / artist names are in ABC order; First letter of the band name, first letter of last name of the artist name. Some letters were omitt …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I am a little bit embarrassed by this mix. It's the first mix exchange that my girlfriend and I are making and I'm fairly sure it's more humiliating than the one she gave me...I think it is proof that  …
Cassette | Theme
This is a theme mix tape with both sides differently themed, but in a similar mood. The theme of Side 1 is the songs that feel like a soundtrack for my life while Side 2 is comprised of the songs that  …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I'm on my way to New York City and felt the need to make a mix CD to show how I'm feeling about the transition and to listen to. This is volume 1. More to come.
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