Johnny Dark

Member Since: 11/23/2007
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 100

Johnny Dark's Mixes

Johnny Dark's Favorite Mixes

Johnny Dark's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
The 11th collaboration with my regular mixing partner Robert Song. Our 12th, the logical companion piece to this one, is well underway.
CD | Mixed Genre
Number 9 in the series of Robert Song/Johnny Dark collaborations and we're in agreeance that it's probably one of our most satisfying. A couple of references to spying mid-mix gave rise to our choice o …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mix #7 with my regular collaborator Robert Song, one that rapidly became vibraphone heavy in the mid-section. Best wishes to all for 2009.

Johnny Dark's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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