e. buster

Member Since: 12/16/2007
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 123

e. buster's Mixes

e. buster's Favorite Mixes

e. buster's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme
Remember way back to the summer when you had a retirement account? When you lived in a house worth a couple hundred thousand dollars more than you do now? When you thought there might be a hope of payi …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
I love this game, I love The Dodgers. This is our year... I just know it. (Link provided just in case there are some Dodger fans out there.)
CD | Country
I've never been big on country music, but in the spirit of inclusiveness and stretching one's boundaries, I am attempting an alt-country mix. I admit that some of this is more folk or pop, but hey! I a …

e. buster's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock

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