
Member Since: 1/17/2008
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 41

ldpaulson's Mixes

ldpaulson's Favorite Mixes

ldpaulson's Last Three Mixes Posted

MP3 Playlist | Jazz
A surprise mix for someone about to go cruising in the Pacific Ocean. This was a challenge because we rarely discuss music and the only thing I had to go on was a genre and the call letters of a favori …
MP3 Playlist | Jazz
A surprise mix for someone about to go cruising in the Pacific Ocean. This was a challenge because we rarely discuss music and the only thing I had to go on was a genre and the call letters of a favori …
MP3 Playlist | Jazz
A surprise mix for someone about to go cruising in the Pacific Ocean. This was a challenge because we rarely discuss music and the only thing I had to go on was a genre and the call letters of a favori …

ldpaulson's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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