
Member Since: 2/25/2000
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 1

jjoorrmmaa's Mixes

jjoorrmmaa's Favorite Mixes

jjoorrmmaa's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
made on sept.26,1987 ! (i wuz 15) saw cure in detroit around this same time for 'kiss me...' mostly mellow songs....
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this is one i made in '94. mostly indie. title refers to lack of thought put into it (!) flows well tho and i still like it.
Cassette | Electronic - Industrial
hallowe'en 1995. dedicated to RJR. only some of this is industrial sorta music. last song at LOUD volume is my favorite.
Cassette | Pop
this one was made up entirely from 7" records i have acquired. most of them found at garage sales or flea markets!
Cassette | Pop
made this one a few years back to dupe for friends. kind of a scattered mood but very consistent. wanted balance between "rare" and "familiar"
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
made this tape for my girlfriend recently. she loved it. willing to trade.. (tapes not girlfriends)
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