
Member Since: 2/26/2003
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 19

indiemaven's Mixes

indiemaven's Favorite Mixes

indiemaven's Mixes

CD | Theme
Not being a subscriber to any religion myself, I've never really known what to think about songs with religion discussed in them. This mix puts a lot of different perspectives on religion...and some ar …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A silly fun mix...I'm going to Cali in a few days, I made this for a friend of mine. The theme is obvious...if some reference to California isn't in the artist name or song title, it's in the lyrics.
CD | Theme - Romantic
Yet another one...lots of acoustic indie highbrow junk I'm sure no one's heard of. If you have, I love and respect you. If you haven't, don't worry. I like the Beatles too.
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
Just for reference: Good = 1-13 Bad: 14-17 Weird: 18-22
CD | Mixed Genre
How to get from Missy Elliot to Bright Eyes in 21 steps? This mix is bizarre but fun I think...
CD | Mixed Genre
The first mix I made for my boyfriend. The title refers to the fact that we first started talking on Halloween - we were with a group of people who would knock on people's doors and sing Christmas caro …
Cassette | Theme
Overdone concept, not very creative songs...ack. This isn't that great. Sorry.
CD | Theme
In retrospect, some of these songs are actually pretty sexy...which makes the others even more bizarre in comparison. This was made for a friend of mine, as a parody of the sex mix his girlfriend made. …
CD | Theme - Romantic
As a teenager with vigilant parents, close encounters of the romantic kind are tough to come by...this weekend may present an opportunity. This mix is a soundtrack for that opportunity.
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