
Member Since: 3/1/2003
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 2

MzPixi's Mixes

MzPixi's Favorite Mixes

MzPixi's Mixes

Cassette | Blues - Classic Blues
made for my dad, to jam out to in his car
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
An end of the year mix made for my girl Jenny, whom we can Jenny from the block, really for no reason at all. I wanted to get her into some really good independent rock because she has a healthy apprec …
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for my girl Trish upon completing our first year of college. Despite the title, there really are no "dirty south" songs on here, Trish is just proud of her dirty south roots.
CD | Mixed Genre
made for one of my best friends upon almost completing our first year of college without killing ourselves or each other
CD | Theme - Romantic
Made this past Valentine's Day, for my first time ever actually having a Valentine. We've since broken up, but it's still a good lil mellow mix to make out to.
Cassette | Theme
I was raised on this shit. Classic rock kicks everyone's asses.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made over Easter weekend for listening to in my car while driving back to school. Good for thinking to as well as singing along to.
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