annie mccormick

Member Since: 3/8/2003
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 38

annie mccormick's Mixes

annie mccormick's Favorite Mixes

annie mccormick's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
alternate title: "the whole world stinks, so no one's taking showers anymore." i understand that people do mean things. i do not hate them for it. i don't like being lied to, but it's okay. i'll be fin …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a mix for my friend walter. i didn't want him to think i have a crush on him, so i didn't make him a mix until i told him this several times. the title is from the exploding dog comic, which i  …
Cassette | Single Artist
actually two cds. made to introduce a friend to the wonders of bright eyes. the first disc being my personal favorite. we listened to it while coloring pictures of curious george. classy.
CD | Single Artist
i like the smiths. i want to make out to this mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
this isn't the greatest mix, or even very original, but i needed to say some things (with music) and these songs happened to be the best ones. and i can't just not post mixes. but anyway, what i wanted …
CD | Mixed Genre
the first official day of summer vacation. i used it to make a mix. what did you do? all of these songs make me so happy. and i hope they make you happy too. also, i hope that lauren will make volume t …
CD | Mixed Genre
being told "i don't think we should date" can have weird effects on people. my reaction was to feel really sick. and then go to classes. and then go out to lunch with the person who said it. and then m …
CD | Theme
this is the soundtrack that lauren and i made for our friend shaun's film, "mildred." the screenplay is just amazing, and deals with a girl who doesn't sleep. thus all the sleep-related songs. and no m …
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix went along well with my sleepy, dreamy, movie-like picnic idea. picture dusk, warm air, tall grass and lightning bugs everywhere. while you're sitting on a blanket having good food and better  …
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