Bowman the Showman

Member Since: 3/19/2003
Total Mixes: 34
Total Feedback: 23

Bowman the Showman's Mixes

Bowman the Showman's Favorite Mixes

Bowman the Showman's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
It seemed I took some superb tracks from movies, and blended them with ordinary excellent tracks. End result = Pure Goodness!
CD | Mixed Genre
I thought this would make a great mix, and I was right. When you have strong tracks, what elso do you need sometimes.
CD | Mixed Genre
Classic Rock, maybe. A good compliation, yes!
CD | Mixed Genre
Partly pleased with this, even thought some of them arn't really "Nuggets". But still some things you don't hear quite often
CD | Mixed Genre
I mixed this a while back, just to put a little soul in my bowl. Pretty basic, and it does the trick, quite nicely!
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this many years ago, and I still enjoy listening to it from time to time. It's a pretty basic mix, I was happy with it then and I'm happy with it now. Make sure the songs are not shortened versi …
CD | Mixed Genre
I tried to incorporate many different styles, and many different genres to put the listener in a musical merry-go-round. Biff Rose is a tought artist to track down on cd, vinyl is the way go for him, u …
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