
Member Since: 4/7/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 0

jenm's Mixes

jenm's Favorite Mixes

jenm's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Narrative
The year I was 29, in which I lost my oldest friend, my favorite grandparent, my neighborhood's best bar, and what was left of my faith in democracy. C'mon, 30!
CD | Theme - Narrative
I liked the story-of-my-year mix enough the last time to do another one for my 29th birthday, this time loosely telling the story of the year I was 28. I expect to have a nice little pile of CD diaries …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Yeah, I've got some cliches here. Blow me. 12 days in a car, so I'm just trying to stay alive and awake here ;) I'll let you know how it works.

jenm's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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