
Member Since: 4/14/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 14

Flex US Hardcore Discography http://www.fuzzlogic.com/flex/index.shtml

_Tim_'s Mixes

_Tim_'s Favorite Mixes

_Tim_'s Mixes

Cassette | Theme
this is a fun tape, the names of the bands are always like "name and the names" (sorry, my english is to bad to express myself better). anyway, it's all 6ties garage punk and psyche. mail me if you wan …
CD | Mixed Genre
it's not a real mixtape. i just compiled some songs i liked while listening to the greatest of all internet streaming radios: beyond the beat generation it's very hard to find many of these songs on vi …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is my first submission. it's actually not easy to mix beat and hardcore ... but if you like both styles you don't care anyway. the quote in the beginning is from "that 70s show" and says: "if the  …
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