Wright12's Mixes

Cassette | Jazz
Hepcat Hullabaloo is a swing riot in a case! Filled chock full of both modern and classical swing, jump, ragtime, and gypsy jazz. If the music isn't enough, the package is finished off with a late 1920 …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A wacky set indeed, segwayed with sound clips from "Heathers", "Mr. Frost", "Tom Sawyer", etc. Not your typical slice of cake. Cassette cover is... interesting.
Cassette | Pop
I was told "All alternative music sounds the same!" So, I introduce the varied sounds of "alternative" music! Touches many far corners while remaining accessible. Includes the very, very rare and very  …
Cassette | Theme
The sounds eminating from the Champaign/Urbana Illinois' tap/music central "The Blind Pig." Most of these bands reside in C-U, some just in the vicinity. If you haven't heard the tunes from this area,  …
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
Second in a series of covered songs... (Original artists in parens)... Corrections welcomed! Pathetic artwork on this cassette... sorry!
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
First in a continuing series of covered songs... (Original Artist in parentheses... If you catch an error, let me know!) Artwork is horrid... and this tape got swallowed by my tape machine. It is mostl …
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