Cherry's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
so my birthday sucked. i wanted to be with this boy im seeing long distance and i couldnt. made me really sad. i also am unsure about us because hes hurt me before. but its because i walk into it blind …
CD | Theme - Sleep
this mix means a lot to me because this band was honestly my first obsesion. i thought i was going to marry e (mark oliver) and have him write songs for me. but as time went on.. it became more of a fr …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
its my best friend toni;s be day. i love her dearly so i mad this female mix for her. starts hard and angry a little. it ends with showing how beautiful and fragle we are. im sorry i cant spell guys. l …

Cherry's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
can you go wrong with a list like this?
CD | Mixed Genre
all my fav songs
CD | Mixed Genre
im impressed with you.

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