
Member Since: 5/15/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 2

stereophonicbreadsticks's Mixes

stereophonicbreadsticks's Favorite Mixes

stereophonicbreadsticks's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Ah, the joys of random tracklisting. I feel kind of bad posting another one of these randomize playlist mixes but I'm trying to put off doing reading for a lit class.
CD | Mixed Genre
I haven't actually burned this one yet but I plan on doing so tomorrow. I decided to just burn the first 15 tracks that came up when I randomized my playlist, I think it might work, perhaps I should do …
Cassette | Hip Hop/Rap
Side 2 actually ends with Deltron 3030-The Assman 640 Speaks. I didn't think the Orbital would work in the larger mix but it actually does, what a pleasant surprise.
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