
Member Since: 5/9/2000
Total Mixes: 56
Total Feedback: 10

World Wrestling Entertainment www.wwe.com
Barenaked Ladies www.bnlmusic.com
Weird Al Online www.weirdal.com

tatocakes1's Mixes

tatocakes1's Favorite Mixes

tatocakes1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Volume 2, so far. I know, I know... New Kids on the Block AND that cheesy song from Saved By the Bell. Whatever, I like it.
CD | Mixed Genre
WinMX is my new favorite toy... a (very) small sampling of what I've downloaded thus far.
CD | Mixed Genre
The fifth and final. That's right, I played Nine Inch Nails at my wedding reception...how cool am I? ;) That Reel Big Fish cover kicks my ass, y0.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
#4 in the series... had some trouble with #3 a minute ago, oops. Short but sweet.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
Disc #2. We like Van Halen and Weird Al a little, can't you tell? :)
CD | Mixed Genre
Like the title says. I was married three weeks ago (go me!), and the DJ canceled on us three days before the wedding. How nice. So my hubby sat in front of the computer that day and made these. This is …
CD | Mixed Genre
Actually, this is not my doing... my boyfriend made this for me. Just like he is: Eclectic, weird, but really really cool.
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