
Member Since: 6/10/2003
Total Mixes: 58
Total Feedback: 75

ozlifter's Mixes

ozlifter's Favorite Mixes

ozlifter's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Well, here's a little taste of some stuff I'm listening to this summer. I made this mix to keep me sane on those days when I'll be working out in the hot sun. There's quite a bit of guitar-based rock h …
CD | Single Artist
I'm taking a road trip tomorrow with a friend who has never listened to Modest Mouse, so I wanted to condense my Modest Mouse collection into a good Modest Mouse introduction for him. These are some of …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I was doing some painting and repairs around my house today and created this cd to keep me company. It worked really well. These songs have sort of an All-American, hardworking feel (even though not al …
MP3 Playlist | Alternative - Indie Rock
So this guy was telling me about how his life sucked, and I didn't care, because I knew mine sucked worse.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Great mix for driving. You can have sex to it too.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A mix for a friend.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Does anyone else hate Paris Hilton??? This cd is a little naughty and a little nice.
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
MP3 Playlist | Rock
Hie thee to hell for shame, and leave this world . . . there thy kingdom is. --William Shakespeare (Richard III)
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