
Member Since: 6/23/2003
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 8

michellesmells's Mixes

michellesmells's Favorite Mixes

michellesmells's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
i really really like this mix. for the past 2 weeks ive been hearing songs i havent heard in a while...and i needed to make a cd with them on it. the end. enjoy.
CD | Mixed Genre
i named this one after a fortune cookie i got. it's mostly in the emo category...i'd say. but it bounces all over, as usual. what's a mix without variety?
CD | Mixed Genre
it's a pretty random mix. i usually dont put a band on twice...and i did that a few times on this mix. i dont remember why. who knows! enjoy anyway...

michellesmells's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Theme - Depression
i love this mix so much.

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