
Member Since: 6/25/2003
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 32

meredith-elaine's Mixes

meredith-elaine's Favorite Mixes

meredith-elaine's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a fun, almost 99% upbeat mix to drive to. great to sing along with, especially the dusty-fugee-save ferris block. good for the diva within. and yes, i mean it when i say that i sing better than you.
CD | Theme
number 4. mixes are fun! suicide is not.
CD | Theme
the third in the series. you know the drill. don't off yourself.
CD | Theme
number 2 in the series. not intended to influence anyone in the direction of suicide
CD | Theme
truth be told, i had a breakdown a few weeks back. it wasn't pretty. to keep myself occupied, i started making a mix cd series, affectionately titled the "suicide mix" series. this is the first one. by …
CD | Mixed Genre
made in 2001? 2002? i cant recall off-hand. i just dug it out of the archives. my life captured in time capsules of song. joydrop is on the mix twice. didn't mean to do that at the time, but, it doesn' …
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