
Member Since: 5/16/2000
Total Mixes: 78
Total Feedback: 269

paulamoeba's Mixes

paulamoeba's Favorite Mixes

paulamoeba's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
a going away gift for diane who's moving to wooster,ohio. a visit to the library supplied about a third of the tracks. yes, our library has Bush and Jimmie's Chicken Shack!! i'm never sure that the 80' …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Jordan, hope you liked it. the mysteries of life and anne e dechant songs are new to my collection, so i'm still getting used to them. i dug out old toni childs, indio, and greenhouse 27 since i though …
Cassette | Pop
made in honor of a friend's birthday. i couldn't get in any good digs about her age, because she's younger than me. hoping some good tunes would distract her from the 'growing old' part...
Cassette | Pop
the cover pic is looking up over my parents house at this big bubbly white cloud, the title followed. after making the tape for my friend jean, i found out she already had a lot of this music . . . on  …
Cassette | Pop
why stick to one type of music, or one decade even? sent to my friend catherine after she headed for school in california
Cassette | Mixed Genre
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