
Member Since: 7/2/2003
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 243

capslock's Mixes

capslock's Favorite Mixes

capslock's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme
in honor of her EP hitting the stores today, and also intended as a primer for those friends of mine who might not be too familiar with this stuff. fun overviews are ok!
CD | Theme
made for a friend who was asking about that "wild dub: dread meets punk rocker uptown" compilation that came out a while ago. i sold it back, but still had some tracks lying around. so i fleshed out th …
CD | Single Artist
aka blatant rap genius romping through science fiction supervillain alter-egos with something like wild abandon. aka "how he doomsed dat?"

capslock's Last Three Favorite Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
know what i like about this mix? it's fun. lively. playful. awesome. it goes from brigitte bardot to king geedorah! and that's only for starters. i love the vibe that's quickly established and i am not …
CD | Electronic
richy creates his mixes on a higher plane of existence. this mix in particular has been the soundtrack to many many dancing in the living room moments lately.
CD | Mixed Genre
i think shawn will understand the magnitude of my affection for this mix when i call it "curtis burns-ian." it's that good. i particularly love the awe-inspiring span of tracks 8-15. incredible stuff!

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