
Member Since: 7/10/2003
Total Mixes: 54
Total Feedback: 61

MattL's Mixes

MattL's Favorite Mixes

MattL's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Good-humored, mostly rootsy, really comfy stuff. Mmmmmmmm.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix to commemorate my first year of grad school and more specifically, the move from The 601 to The O.C. East (aka Chapel Hill). It's about half songs that came out in late '04/early '05 and about ha …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Made for my first post-college trip to visit college friends. I was goin for lots of loud party rock... songs that I can envision causing wild car-dancing.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this just this weekend for one of my best friends from high school, who like me, is beginning grad school in about 2 weeks. It leans pretty mellow, mostly acoustic, and with a few exceptions, de …
Cassette | Theme
Been a long time since I made a mix, and I just put this one together for a friend who wanted a quick intro to the wonderful world of power-pop. I got some essential artists in there (Big Star, Smither …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The time: still spring '03. This might be my most fun mix tape, just considering how nearly everything here is great to sing along with. Plus the shortest song title to appear on a tape of mine is here …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The time: still spring '03. This one is typically eclectic, and it's also the first use of a legit jazz tune on one of my tapes (also the oldest song I've ever used). Historical fact: while working on  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The time: spring '03, March or so. This tape is pretty power-pop leaning, but there's still a good bit of alt-country and other good stuff. Pretty eclectic, if I may say so myself. I love juxtaposing c …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The time: also fall '02. Things are all over the place on this one... no artist really dominates it, nor does any style. We've got punk, new wave, soul, alt-country... gotta love the eclecticism. "Minu …
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