
Member Since: 7/12/2003
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 12

sporadicsinging's Mixes

sporadicsinging's Favorite Mixes

sporadicsinging's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Sixth in the series of public library mix tapes.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a mix trade from the Pander Zine Distro message boards. I'm definitely turning into one of those people who has a bag of old reliable tricks when it comes to making "anything goes" mix tapes... …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Fifth in the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County series. Our library has a damn good music collection, and before I return any albums I borrow, I always tape my favorite track off of each.

sporadicsinging's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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