
Member Since: 1/7/1999
Total Mixes: 24
Total Feedback: 6

citizenkeith's Mixes

citizenkeith's Favorite Mixes

citizenkeith's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Every year around Halloween, a bunch of friends make "secret mixes" for each other. It's kind of like a secret gift exchange... everybody gets a mix, but they don't know who it's from. I made this one  …
CD | Electronic
First mix I've made in a while! This one is for my buddy Chris. He moved into a new house (his first to own) and I made this mix of Electronic music for him.
CD | Mixed Genre
My first mix CD, and possibly the first mix on this site to feature Momus (ignore the date on this listing... it was up in 1997 before the data transfer, at which timeit was LOST). Bjork's "Hyperballad …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
The night before a trip to Arlington, Va, my friends and I stayed up late installing my new CD player into my car. After deciphering the obscure directions ("what's a boss?" - "it doesn't say." - "i th …
Cassette | Pop
My brother made this one for me... as many as he's made, I still think this one's the best. You can't beat a mix that has a vintage Woody Allen photo for the cover.
Cassette | Pop
Made for me by my good friend Kelly Crowe, this tape is great in the car. Plenty of music from the Simpsons.. Silver Apples, a psychedelic treat... Madonna and Pat Boone provide a different type of com …
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