gosh, warn radio

Member Since: 8/4/2003
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 33

gosh, warn radio 's Mixes

gosh, warn radio 's Favorite Mixes

gosh, warn radio 's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
q: what does a.d.d. stand for? a: attention deficit... LET'S GO RIDE BIKES!!! the longest song on this mix clocks in at 02:09. most are under two minutes. cos some days, i have the short attention span …
CD | Theme
this is the companion piece to my previous ampersand mix entitled 'this & that'. the first one was a better mix of genres, whereas this one has a healthy dose of songs i liked in middle school.
CD | Mixed Genre
this is for preston. he is graduating this year. i know he already likes pedro the lion & the decemberists & i included the outkast track cos the first time he  …
CD | Theme
each song is track eight from its respective album.
CD | Mixed Genre
my shelf fell down around three:thirty this morning & i found this mix behind it. i must have made it for a radioshow. i don't know how old it is.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
these are songs i only have on lp or 45, so i uploaded this playlist onto my mp3 player for when i have to be away from my record player. part of the title is a reference to the slint track.
Cassette | Theme
cos i like to brush up on my french while getting my ass handed to me at nine ball.
MP3 Playlist | Theme
01. a song from the last record you bought 02. a blues 03. a song that gets you going in the morning 04. a song that you think is romantic 05. one of the earliest records that you can remember listenin …
CD | Theme
as you can see, every song title is two things separated by an ampersand.
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